The One That Got Away
You thought your staffing issue was solved. You felt you had the right fit, you were confident the job offer was solid, you made the offer, and yet, somehow, they took another position. In this competitive environment, this happens more often than you might think.
Resuming your search may be a challenge, and OBGYN recruitment can take months to find the right fit for your practice. Here’s what you can do to get back on a proper path to meet your practice’s needs:
1) Take a minute to get over it. Then get over it.
While larger organizations have HR directors who deal with rejection as a part of their daily routine, if you are a smaller practice with high-achieving associates, losing a great new hire can feel deflating. Remember: it’s nothing personal; it’s just business.
2) Be gracious with the candidate who turned you down.
You never know how things might change over the next few years. Wish them well. We’ve seen things work out in unexpected ways time and time again in our years of recruiting.
3) Reconsider the other candidates who may have expressed interest in your position.
This is not to say you should lower your expectations, but it makes sense to reconsider other prospects who may be viable but were not ultimately offered the position.
4) If it’s time to start again, start again.
We talk to candidates every day. We may have an excellent fit for your practice that wasn’t looking when you initially marketed your position. Contact us today to get started!